The Future... The next upgrade will probably contain a list of sounds the Macintosh makes at startup when something bad happens (anyone know what these are? Send me e-mail at the address below!!!). Another option is a dictionary of the more obscure and confusing Macintosh terms. Also included will definitly be any new Macintosh virus descriptions I can come up with. I have not decided if I will release incremental upgrades that include only new viruses or not. If I do decide to do this, you will see it listed as something like "Chiron v2.0.2" Suggestions If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for this thing, or finds that I said/typed something totally wrong send me a short e-mail message via internet (you should receive a response in about a week) and I'll mention you in upcoming releases (as well as correct the problem). Of course, if you don't want to be mentioned, just say so, no problem. Also, contact me if you would like to obtain the newest version of Chiron. One more thing before I leave, no matter how frustrating the Mac can seem at times remember it could be much worse. You could be using an IBM! If you ever feel like you might want to get an IBM compatible, e-mail me immediatly and I'll set you straight. Don't go into denial, the Macintosh is the best computer ever made, no matter what anyone says, if you don't believe me just contact me. How to Contact Me Or contact me on any of the Boston area boards I'm on. See 'ya out there on the Electronic Frontier! --Robert Cummings (aka: B-Bert)